Karr Ingham Named President of Texas Alliance of Energy Producers
Long-time Alliance associate and petroleum economist takes helm of professional oil and gas association

AUSTIN, Texas – Aug. 12, 2024 – The Texas Alliance of Energy Producers (the Alliance) board of directors has appointed Karr Ingham as the organization’s new president, effective July 1, 2024.
“Karr’s extensive experience and unwavering commitment to our mission make him the ideal choice to lead the Alliance forward as president,” said Jason Herrick, Chairman of the Alliance Board of Directors. “He has worked with the Alliance in various capacities since 2003 and served admirably as our interim president for the past nine months, demonstrating exceptional leadership and dedication.”
Texas Petro Index: Texas Upstream Activity Declines in 2023, Even as State Sets New Production Records
AUSTIN, Texas (Feb. 5, 2024)—The year-end Texas Petro Index (TPI), released by the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers, shows steady declines in nearly every exploration and production indicator in 2023. At the same time, however, Texas set records for both crude oil and natural gas production last year, despite lower prices for both, falling rig counts, and fewer drilling permits issued than in 2022.
Texas Alliance of Energy Producers Approves New Board Chair Jason Herrick
E&P executive begins two-year term with Texas oil and gas association for independents
AUSTIN, Texas (Jan. 30, 2024)—The Texas Alliance of Energy Producers (the Alliance) has confirmed Jason Herrick as its new board chairman. Herrick is the president of Pantera Energy Company, a family-owned exploration and production company headquartered in Amarillo.
Federal Overregulation Concerns Rise for Oil and Gas Industry in 3rd Annual Texas Alliance of Energy Producers Survey
AUSTIN, Texas (Apr. 12, 2023)—Oil and gas professionals are increasingly worried about federal constraints on the industry, according to the Texas Alliance of Energy Producer’s 3rd Annual "Pulse of the Oil Patch" survey. Nearly 85 percent of the more than 130 survey respondents disapprove of the Biden Administration’s approach to energy policy.
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